Please refer to the following databases for more recent publication information
132. SI Holland, RJ Edwards, H Ertan, YK Wong, TL Russell, NP Deshpande et al (2019)Whole genome sequencing of a novel, dichloromethane-fermenting Peptococcaceae from an enrichment culture PeerJ Preprints
131. A Low, S Zhao, MJ Rogers, O Zemb, M Lee, J He, M Manefield (2019) Isolation, characterization and bioaugmentation of an acidotolerant 1,2-dichloroethane respiring Desulfitobacterium species from a low pH aquifer. FEMS microbiology ecology 95 (5).
130. S Wang, J He, C Shen, MJ Manefield (2019) Editorial: Organohalide Respiration: New Findings in Metabolic Mechanisms and Bioremediation Applications
Front. Microbiol. 10: 526. doi: 10.3389/fmicb2019.
129. B Heckel, E Phillips, EA Edwards, B Sherwood Lollar, M Elsner et al (2019) Reductive dehalogenation of trichloromethane by two different Dehalobacter restrictus strains reveal opposing dual element isotope effects. Environmental science & technology.
128. S Beckmann, AWS Luk, ML Gutierrez-Zamora, NHH Chong, et al (2019) Long-term succession in a coal seam microbiome during in situ biostimulation of coalbed-methane generation. The ISME journal 13 (3).
127. M Kronen, M Lee, ZL Jones, MJ Manefield (2019) Reductive metabolism of the important atmospheric gas isoprene by homoacetogens. The ISME journal.
126. S Cheema, M Zhang, M Labine-Romain, B Lal, M Lavania, M Lee, X Liet al (2019) Neutral Red: The Synthetic Phenazine Full of Electrochemical Surprises. Elsevier.
125. ATT Chau, M Lee, L Adrian, MJ Manefield (2018) Syntrophic partners enhance growth and respiratory dehalogenation of hexachlorobenzene by Dehalococcoides mccartyi strain CBDB1. Frontiers in Microbiology 9, 1927.
124. Alison WS Luk, Sabrina Beckmann, Mike Manefield (2018) Dependency of DNA extraction efficiency on cell concentration confounds molecular quantification of microorganisms in groundwater. FEMS Microbiology Ecology.
123. Padmavathy Bakthavathsalam, Guillaume Longatte, Slade O. Jensen, Mike Manefield, J. Justin Gooding (2018) Locked nucleic acid molecular beacon for multiplex detection of loop mediated isothermal amplification. Sensors and Actuators B:
122. Bat-Erdene Jugder, Karl AP Payne, Karl Fisher, Susanne Bohl, Helene Lebhar, Mike Manefield, Matthew Lee, David Leys, Christopher P Marquis. (2018) Heterologous production and purification of a functional chloroform reductive dehalogenase. ACS Chemical Biology. 10.1021/acschembio.7b00846.
121. In 't Zandt MH, Beckmann S, Rijkers R, Jetten MSM, Manefield M, Welte CU. (20178) Nutrient and acetate amendment leads to acetoclastic methane production and microbial community change in a non-producing Australian coal well. Microb Biotechnol. 2017 Sep 19. doi: 10.1111/1751-7915.12853.
120. Rajesh Kuppusamy, Muhammad Yasir, Thomas Berry, Charles G. Cranfield, Shashidhar Nizalapur, Eugene Yee, Onder Kimyon, Aditi Taunk, Kitty K. K. Ho, Bruce Cornell, Mike Manefield, Mark Willcox, David StC Black, and Naresh Kumar (2017) Design and Synthesis of Short Amphiphilic Cationic Peptidomimetics Based on Biphenyl Backbone as Antibacterial Agents. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. Accepted.
119. Das T, Simone M, Ibugo AI, Witting PK, Manefield M, Manos J Glutathione enhances antibiotic efficiency and effectiveness of DNase I in disrupting Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms while also inhibiting pyocyanin activity, thus facilitating restoration of cell enzymatic activity, Confluence and Viability.Frontiers in Microbiology. 10.3389/fmicb.2017.02429
118. Das T., Kimyon O., Manefield M.J. (2017) Bacterial Biofilms on Wounds, a Major Factor That Delays Wound Healing and a Potential Threat to Human Life and Economy. In: Recent Clinical Techniques, Results, and Research in Wounds. Springer, Cham. DOI: 10.1007/15695_2017_6
117. S. Cheema, S. Beckmann, M. Labine-Romain, X. Li, M. Lavania, B. Lal, M. Manefield (2017) Encyclopedia of Interfacial Chemistry: Surface Science and Electrochemistry. Chemistry, Molecular Sciences and Chemical Engineering. Neutral Red: The synthetic phenazine full of electrochemical surprises.
116. Theerthankar Das, Martin Simone, Amaye Ibugo, Paul Kenneth Witting, Mike Manefield, Jim Manos (2017) Glutathione enhances antibiotic efficiency and effectiveness of DNase I in disrupting Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms while also inhibiting pyocyanin activity, thus facilitating restoration of cell enzymatic activity, confluence and viability. Frontiers in Microbiology. Manuscript ID: 311135
115. Shashidhar Nizalapur , Onder Kimyon , Eugene Yee , Mohan M. Bhadbhade , Mike Manefield , Mark Willcox , David St Black and Naresh Kumar (2017) Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Novel Acyclic and Cyclic Glyoxamides as Bacterial Quorum Sensing and Biofilm Inhibitors. Organic Bimolecular Chemistry. Accepted June 2017.
114. Munro, Jacob; Kimyon, Önder; Rich, Deborah; Koenig, Joanna; Tang, Sihui; Low, Adrian; Lee, Mathew; Manefield, Mike; Coleman, Nicholas (2017) Cohabitation of aerobic and anaerobic dichloroethane-degrading bacteria in organochlorine-contaminated groundwater. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. Accepted Oct 2017.
113. Jugder, Bohl, Lebhar, Healy, Manefield, Marquis, Lee (2017) A Bacterial Chloroform Reductive Dehalogenase: Purification and Biochemical Characterization. Microbial Biotechnology. Accepted May 2017.
112. M. Labine-Romain, S. Beckmann, Mohan Bhadhade, S. Bhattacharyya, M. Manefield, C. Marjo, A. Rich (2017) Polymorphs of Neutral Red, a redox-mediating phenazine in biological systems. Australian Journal of Chemistry. Accepted April 2017.
111. Ricardo Alfán-Guzmán, Haluk Ertan, Mike Manefield and Matthew Lee (2017) Isolation and characterisation of Dehalobacter sp. strain TeCB1 including identification of TcbA: a novel tetra- and trichlorobenzene reductive dehalogenase. Frontiers Microbiology. Manuscript ID: 258212 Available online.
110. Ricardo Alfán-Guzmán, Haluk Ertan, Mike Manefield and Matthew Lee (2017) Genome sequence of Dehalobacter sp. strain TeCB1 able to respire chlorinated benzenes.Genome Announcements. (genomeA01681-16).
109. Shashidhar Nizalapur, Kitty KK Ho, Önder Kimyon, Eugene Yee, Thomas Berry, Mike Manefield, Charles G Cranfield, Mark Willcox, David StC Black, Naresh Kumar (2017) Amphipathic guanidine-embedded glyoxamide-based peptidomimetics as novel antibacterial agents and biofilm disruptors. Organic & biomolecular chemistry. 14, 3623-3637.
108. C. Iverach et al (2017) Biogeochemical constraints on the origin of methane in an alluvial aquifer: evidence for the upward migration of methane from a coal seam. Biogeosciences. bg-2016-359.
107. Nripendra Biswas, Tsz Tin Yu, Önder Kimyon, Shashidhar Nizalapur, Christopher Gardner, Mike Manefield, Renate Griffith, David Black, Naresh Kumar (2017) Synthesis of antimicrobial glucosamides as bacterial quorum sensing mechanism inhibitors. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry. BMC_2016_336_R1
106. Nizalapur S, Ho KKK, Kimyon Ö, Yee E, Berry T, Manefield M, Cranfield CG, Willcox M, Black DSC, Kumar N (2016) Synthesis and biological evaluation of N-naphthoyl-phenylglyoxamide-based small molecular antimicrobial peptide mimics as novel antimicrobial agents and biofilm inhibitors. Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry 14:3623-3637.
105. Huynh TT, Pianegonda NA, Blanksby SJ, Barker PJ, Manefield M, Rice SA (2016) Investigation of the microbial communities colonizing prepainted steel used for roofing and walling MicrobiologyOpen 01 Jan 2016
104. Ricardo Alfan-Guzman, Matthew Lee, Michael Manefield (2016) Anaerobic bioreactors for the treatment of chlorinated hydrocarbons. Industrial Biotechnology: Sustainable Production and Bioresource Utilization. Pg 41.
103. Mike Manefield, Matthew Lee, Joanna Koenig (2016) The nature and relevance of solvent stress in microbes and mechanisms of tolerance. Microbial Ecology in Extreme Environments. Eds Caroline Chenard and Federico Lauro. Springer.
102. Onder Kimyon, Zehra Ipek Uluturk, Shashidhar Nizalapur, Matthew Lee, Samuel K Kutty, Sabrina Beckmann, Naresh Kumar, Mike Manefield (2016) N-acetylglucosamine inhibits LuxR, LasR and CviR based quorum sensing regulated gene expression levels. Frontiers in Microbiology. Accepted Aug 2016. 216899
101. Bat-Erdene Jugder, Haluk Ertan, Yie Kuan Wong, Nady Braidy, Michael Manefield, Christopher P. Marquis, Matthew Lee (2016) Genomic, Transcriptomic and Proteomic Analyses of Dehalobacter UNSWDHB in Response to Trichloromethane. Environmental Microbiology Reports. EMI-2016-1008.
100. Dang Ho, Paul D. Jensen, Maria-Luisa Gutierrez-Zamora, Sabrina Beckmann, Mike Manefield, and Damien J. Batstone (2016) High-rate, high temperature acetotrophic methanogenesis governed by a three population consortium in anaerobic bioreactors. Plos-One. PONE-D-16-11303R1.
99. Das T, Ibugo A, Clare W, Manefield M (2016) Role of pyocyanin and extracellular DNA in facilitating Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm formation. Microbial Biofilms - Importance and Applications. Eds Dharumadurai Dhanasekaran and Nooruddin Thajuddin, ISBN 978-953-51-2436-8.
98. McDonough LK, Iverach CP, Beckmann S, Manefield M, Rau GC, Baker A, Kelly BFJ (2016) Spatial variability of cave-air carbon dioxide and methane concentrations and isotopic compositions in a semi-arid karst environment. Environmental Earth Sciences. 10.1007/s12665-016-5497-5.
97. Klare W, Das T, Ibugo A, Buckle E, Manefield M, Manos J (2016) The glutathione-disrupted biofilm of clinical Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains: enhanced antibiotic effect and a novel biofilm transcriptome. Antimicrob Agents Chemotherapy. 10.1128/AAC.02919-15.
96. Martin R. L. Paine, Nicole A. Pianegonda, Tran T. Huynh, Mike Manefield, Shane A. MacLaughlin, Scott A. Rice, Philip J. Barker and Stephen J. Blanksby (2016) Evaluation of hindered amine light stabilisers and their N-Chlorinated derivatives as antibacterial and antifungal additives for thermoset surface coatings. Progress in Organic Coatings. Accepted June 2016.
95. Onder Kimyon, Theerthankar Das, Amaye I. Ibugo, Samuel K. Kutty, Kitty K. Ho, Jan Tebben, Naresh Kumar and Mike Manefield. (2016) Serratia secondary metabolite prodigiosin inhibits Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm development by producing reactive oxygen species that damage biological molecules. Antimicrobials, Resistance and Chemotherapy.
94. Anko Fischer, Mike Manefield and Petra Bombach (2016) Application of stable isotope tools for evaluating natural and stimulated biodegradation of organic pollutants in field studies. Current Opinion in Biotechnology. 41:99–107
93. Tillmann Lueders, Marc G Dumont, Lauren Bradford, Mike Manefield (2016) RNA-stable isotope probing: from carbon flow within key microbiota to targeted transcriptomes. Current Opinion in Biotechnolog. 41: 83-89.
92. Shashidhar Nizalapur, Kitty K. K Ho, Onder Kimyon, Eugene Yee, Thomas Berry, Mike Manefield, Charles Gordon Cranfield, Mark D. P. Willcox, David StClair Black and Naresh Kumar (2016) Design synthesis and biological evaluation of N-naphthoyl-phenylglyoxamide-based small molecular antimicrobial peptide mimics as novel antimicrobial agents and biofilm inhibitors. Org. Biomol. Chem., DOI: 10.1039/C6OB00298F
91. Valentina Wong, Haluk Ertan, Sophie Holland, Mike Manefield, Matthew Lee (2016) Isolation and characterization of Dehalobacter sp. strain UNSWDHB capable of chloroform and chlorinated ethane respiration. Environmental Microbiology. Accepted EMI-2015-1653.R1.
90. Bradley M. Patterson, Matthew Lee, Trevor P. Bastow, John T. Wilson, Michael J. Donn, Andrew Furness, Bryan Goodwin, and Mike Manefield (2016) Concentration effects on biotic and abiotic processes in the removal of 1,1,2-trichloroethane and vinyl chloride using carbon-amended ZVI. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology. 188: 1-11. DOI: 10.1016/j.jconhyd.2016.02.004.
89. Jugder B, Ertan H, Bohl S, Lee M, Marquis CP, Manefield M (2016) Organohalide respiring bacteria and reductive dehalogenases: Key tools in organohalide bioremediation. Frontiers in Bioremediation. DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2016.00249.
88. Joanna C. Koenig, Hardiljeet K. Boparai, Matthew J. Lee, Denis M. O’Carroll, Robert J. Barnes, Michael J. Manefield (2016) Particles and enzymes: Combining nanoscale zero valent iron and organochlorine respiring bacteria for the detoxification of chloroethane mixtures. Journal of Hazardous Materials. doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2015.12.036
87. Sabrina Beckmann, Cornelia Welte, Xiaomin Li, Yee M. Oo, Lena Kroeninger, Yooun Heo, Miaomiao Zhang, Daniela Ribeiro, Matthew Lee, Mohan Bhadbhade, Christopher E. Marjo, Jan Seidel, Uwe Deppenmeier & Mike Manefield (2016) Novel phenazine crystals enable direct electron transfer to methanogens in anaerobic digestion by redox potential modulation. Energy and Environmental Science. DOI: 10.1039/C5EE03085D.
86. Shashidhar Nizalapur, Onder Kimyon, Nripendra Biswas, Christopher Gardner, Scott Rice, Mike Manefield, Mark DP Willcox, David StClair Black, Naresh Kumar (2015) Design, synthesis and evaluation of N-Aryl-glyoxamide derivatives as structurally novel quorum sensing inhibitors. Organic & Bimolecular Chemistry. DOI: 10.1039/C5OB01973G.
85. J. Charlesworth, O. Kimyon, M. Manefield, B. Burns (2015) Detection and characterization of N-acyl- L-homoserine lactones using GFP-based biosensors in conjunction with thin-layer chromatography. Journal of Microbiological Methods. 118, 164-167.
84. A. Priya, A. K. Mandal, A. S. Ball, M. Manefield, B. Lal and P. Sarma (2015) Mass culture strategy for bacterial yeast co-culture for degrdation of petroleum hydrocarbons in the marine environment. Marine Pollution Bulletin. In press.
83. M Lee, C Marquis, BE Judger, M Manefield (2015) Anaerobic microorganisms and bioremediation of organohalide pollution. Microbiology Australia. 9999 (9999).
82. Lei Chen, Feijian Mao, George Chira Kirumba, Cheng Jiang, Mike Manefield, Yiliang He (2015) Changes in metabolites, antioxidant system, and gene expression in Microcystis aeruginosa under sodium chloride stress. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 122, 126-135.
81. Michael A. Klas, Naomi Tsafnat, Joel Dennerley, Sabrina Beckmann, Barnaby Osborne, Andrew G. Dempster, Mike Manefield (2015) Biomining and methanogenesis for resource extraction from asteroids. Space Policy. Accepted August 2015.
80. Bat-Erdene Jugder, Matthew Lee, Haluk Ertan, Michael Manefield, Christopher P. Marquis (2015) Reductive dehalogenases come of age in the biological destruction of organohalides. Trends in Biotechnology. 33: 595-610.
79. Farzana Kastury, Albert Juhasz, Sabrina Beckmann, Mike Manefield (2015) Ecotoxicity of neutral red for environmental applications. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety.
78. Ricardo Alfán-Guzmán, Matthew Lee, and Michael Manefield (2015) Ch14 Anaerobic bioreactors for the treatment of chlorinated hydrocarbons in Industrial Biotechnology: Sustainable Production and Bioresource Utilization. Eds D. Thangadurai and J. Sangeetha. Apple Academic Press.
77. Lee, Matthew; Wells, Eliza; Wong, Yiekuan; Koenig, Joanna; Adrian, Lorenz; Richnow, Hans; Manefield, Mike (2015) Relative contributions of Dehalobacter and zero valent iron in the degradation of chlorinated methanes. Environmental Science and Technology. 49, 4481 - 4489.
76. Liza Kretzschmar and Mike Manefield (2015) The role of lipids in activated sludge floc formation. AIMS Environmental Science: Leading Edge Technologies in Wastewater Treatment. 2, 122-133.
75. Theerthankar Das, Samuel K. Kutty, Roya Tavallaie, Amaye I. Ibugo, Janjira Panchompoo, Shama Sehar, Leigh Aldous, Amanda W. S. Yeung, Shane R. Thomas, Naresh Kumar, J. Justin Gooding and Mike Manefield (2015) Phenazine virulence factor binding to extracellular DNA is important for Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm formation. Nature Scientific Reports. doi:10.1038/srep08398.
74. Maria-Luisa Gutierrez-Zamora, Matthew Lee, Mike Manefield, Torsten Thomas (2014) Nitrification linked to the biotransformation of coal. Journal of Coal Geology. Accepted.
73. Sabrina Beckmann and Mike Manefield (2014) Acetoclastic methane formation from Eucalyptus detritus in pristine hydrocarbon-rich river sediments by Methanosarcinales. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. (accepted Aug 2014).
72. Petra J Sheppard, Keryn L Simons, Eric M Adetutu, Krishna K Kadali, Albert L Juhasz, Mike Manefield, Priyangshu M Sarma, Banwari Lal, Andrew S Ball (2014) The application of a carrier-based bioremediation strategy for marine oil spills. Mar Pollut Bull. 84:339-46.
71. Jacqueline L. Stroud, Adrian Low, Richard N. Collins, Mike Manefield (2014) Metal(loid) Bioaccessibility Dictates Microbial Community Composition in Acid Sulfate Soil Horizons and Sulfidic Drain Sediments. Environmental Science and Technology. DOI: 10.1021/es501495s.
70. Koenig J, Lee M, and M Manefield (2014) Aliphatic organochlorine degradation in sub-surface environments. Reviews in Environmental Science and Bio/technology.10.1007/s11157-014-9345-3
69. Fowler SJ, Gutierrez-Zamora M-L, Manefield M, Gieg LM (2014) Identification of toluene degraders in a methanogenic enrichment culture. FEMS Microbiology Ecology.
68. Hazrin-Chong NH, Marjo CE, Das T, Rich AM, Manefield M. (2014) Surface analysis reveals biogenic oxidation of sub-bituminous coal by Pseudomonas fluorescens. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol.
67. Theerthankar Das, Shama Sehar , Leena Koop, Yie Kuan Wong, Safia Ahmed, Khawar Sohail Siddiqui and Mike Manefield (2014) Influence of calcium in extracellular DNA mediated bacterial aggregation and biofilm formation. PlosONE.
66. Adnan Younis, Dewei Chu, Chang Ming Li, Theerthankar Das, Shama Sehar, Mike Manefield and Sean Li (2014) Interface Thermodynamic State-induced High-Performance Memristors. Langmuir. DOI: 10.1021/la404389b.
65. Scott Godwin, Alicia Kang, Lisa-Maree Gulino, Mike Manefield, Maria-Luisa Gutierrez-Zamora, Marco Kienzle, Diane Ouwerkerk, Kerri Dawson and Athol V. Klieve (2014) Investigation of the microbial metabolism of carbon dioxide and hydrogen in the kangaroo foregut by stable isotope probing. ISME J. doi: 10.1038/ismej.2014.25.
64. Joanna Koenig, Kathrin Grossmeir and Mike Manefield (2014) Tolerance of anaerobic bacteria to chlorinated solvents. Microbes and Environments. 29, 23-30.
63. Petra J Sheppard, Eric M Adetutu, Alexandra Young, Mike Manefield, Paul D Morrison and Andrew S Ball (2013) Stable Isotope Probing - A tool for assessing the potential activity and stability of hydrocarbonoclastic communities in contaminated seawater. J Bioremed Biodeg. 4, 192.
62. Nandan Deshpande, Valentina Wong, Mike Manefield, Marc Wilkins and Matthew Lee (2013) Genome sequence of a chloroform respiring Dehalobacter species. ASM Genome Announcements. 1(5), e00720-13.
61. Chong, G., Kimyon, O. and M. Manefield (2013) Quorum sensing signal synthesis may represent a selective advantage independent of its role in regulation of bioluminescence in Vibrio fischeri. PlosONE. 8(6), e67443.
60. T. Das, S. Sehar and M. Manefield (2013) The roles of extracellular DNA in the structural integrity of EPS and bacterial biofilm development. Environmental Microbiology Reports. 5, 778-786.
59. Simons, K.L., Sheppard, P.J., Adetutu, E.M., Kadali, K., Juhasz, A.L., Manefield, M., Sarma, P.M., Lal, B., Ball, A.S (2013) Carrier mounted bacterial consortium facilitates oil remediation in the marine environment. Bioresource Technology. 134, 107 – 116.
58. Zemb, O., Manefield, M. Thomas, F. and S. Jacquet (2013) Phage adsorption to bacteria in the light of the electrostatics: A case study using E. coli, T2 and flow cytometry. Journal of Virological Methods. 189, 283-289.
57. T. Das, S. K. Kutty, N. Kumar and M. Manefield (2013) Pyocyanin facilitates extracellular DNA binding to Pseudomonas aeruginosa influencing cell surface properties and aggregation. PlosONE. 8(3), e58299.
56. T. Das and M. Manefield (2013) Phenazine production enhances extracellular DNA release via hydrogen peroxide generation in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Communicative and Integrative Biology. 6(3), e23570.
55. T. Das and M. Manefield (2012) Pyocyanin promotes extracellular DNA release in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. PLoS ONE. (doi:10.1371/
50. Chong G, Kimyon O, Rice S, Kjelleberg S and M Manefield (2012) The presence and role of bacterial quorum sensing in activated sludge. Microbial Biotechnology. 5, 621-633.
54. Y. Nai, O. Zemb, M. Gutierrez-Zamora, M. Manefield, S. Powell and M. Breadmore (2012) Capillary electrophoresis ribosomal RNA single-stranded conformation polymorphism: a new approach for characterization of low-diversity microbial communities. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. (DOI: 10.1007/s00216-012-6268-0)
53. S. Wadud, A Michaelsen, E. Gallagher, G. Parsci, O. Zemb, R. Stuetz and M. Manefield (2012) Bacterial and fungal community composition over time in chicken litter with high or low moisture content. British Poultry Science. (doi:10.1080/00071668.2012.723802)
52. Hazrin-Chong, H and Manefield, M. (2012) An alternative SEM drying method using hexamethyldisilazane (HMDS) for microbial cell attachment studies on sub-bituminous coal. Journal of Microbiological Methods (doi:10.1016/j.mimet.2012.04.014).
51. Koenig JC, Lee MJ, Manefield M (2012) Successful microcosm demonstration of a strategy for biodegradation of a mixture of carbon tetrachloride and perchloroethene harnessing sulfate reducing and dehalorespiring bacteria. J Hazard Mater 220, 169-175.
49. Matthew Lee, Adrian Low, Olivier Zemb, Joanna Koenig, Astrid Michaelsen and Mike Manefield (2012) Complete chloroform dechlorination by organochlorine respiration and fermentation. Environmental Microbiology. 14, 883-894.
48. O. Zemb, M. Lee, M. L. Gutierrez-Zamora, J. Hamelin, K. Coupland, N. H. Hazrin-Chong, I. Taleb, M. Manefield (2011) Improvement of RNA-SIP by pyrosequencing to identify putative 4-n-nonylphenol degraders in activated sludge. Water Research. doi:10.1016/j.watres.2011.10.047
47. Torsten Thomas, Ilona Kindinger, Dan Yu, Meera Esvaran, Linda Blackall, Hugh Forehead, Craig Johnson and Mike Manefield. (2011) An experimental model for the spatial structuring and selection of bacterial communities. Journal of Microbiological Methods. doi:10.1016/j.mimet.2011.08.010.
46. Maria-Luisa Gutierrez-Zamora, Olivier Zemb, Mike Manefield (2011) Direct rRNA Fingerprinting, a novel method to profile low diversity microbial communities. Microbial Ecology. 62: 177-187.
45. Zemb O, Lee M, Low A, Manefield M. (2010) Reactive iron barriers: a niche enabling microbial dehalorespiration of 1,2-dichloroethane. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 88:319-25.
44. M Manefield, M-L Gutierrez-Zamora and A. Whiteley (2010) Chapter 3 - RNA based stable isotope probing, in Stable Isotopes in Microbial Molecular Ecology. Eds A. Whiteley and C. Murrell. ASM Press.
43. Guitirrez-Zamora, M. and M. Manefield (2010) An appraisal of methods for linking environmental processes to specific microbial taxa. Reviews in Environmental Science and Biotechnology. 9, 153-185.
42. Yee, L., Aagaard, V., Johnstone, A., Lee, M., Kjelleberg, S. and M. Manefield (2010) Development of a treatment solution for reductive dechlorination of hexachloro-1,3-butadiene in vadose zone soil. Biodegradation. 21, 947-956.
41. Moreno, A., Matz, C., Kjelleberg, S. and M. Manefield (2010) Identification of ciliate grazers of autotrophic bacteria in ammonia-oxidizing activated sludge by RNA stable isotope probing. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 76, 2203-2211.
40. Lee, M., Cord-Ruwisch, R. and M. Manefield (2010) A process for the purification of organochlorine contaminated activated carbon: Sequential solvent purging and reductive dechlorination. Water Research. 44: 1580-1590.
39. Watanabe, K., Manefield, M., Lee, M. and A. Kouzuma (2009) Electron shuttles in biotechnology. Current Opinion in Biotechnology. 20, 633-641.
38. James, D., Cord-Ruwisch, R., Schleheck, D., Lee, M. and M. Manefield (2008) Cyanocobalamin enables activated sludge bacteria to dechlorinate hexachloro-1,3-butadiene to non-chlorinated gases. The Bioremediation Journal. 12, 177-184.
37. Matz C, Moreno AM, Alhede M, Manefield M, Hauser AR, Givskov M, Kjelleberg S. (2008) Pseudomonas aeruginosa uses type III secretion system to kill biofilm-associated amoebae. ISME J. 8, 843–852.
36. Manefield M. (2008) The ecology of RNA. ISME J. 2:1-2.
35. Adrian Low, David Schleheck, Muoi Khou, Vibeke Aagaard, Matthew Lee and Mike Manefield (2007) Options for in situ remediation of soil contaminated with a mixture of perchlorinated compounds. The Bioremediation Journal. 11:113-124.
34. Mike Manefield, Rob Griffiths, Niall P. McNamara, Darren Sleep, Nick Ostle and Andrew Whiteley (2007) Insights into the fate of a 13C labelled phenol pulse for stable isotope probing (SIP) experiments. Journal of Microbiological Methods. 362:1235-40.
33. Andrew S. Whiteley, Bruce Thomson, Tillmann Lueders and Mike Manefield (2007) RNA Stable-Isotope Probing. Nature Protocols. 2:838-44.
32. Josh D. Neufeld, Jyotsna Vohra, Marc G. Dumont, Tillmann Lueders, Mike Manefield, Michael W. Friedrich, J. Colin Murrell (2007) DNA stable-isotope probing. Nature Protocols. 2:860-6.
31. Mike Manefield & Andrew Whiteley (2007) AHLs - Chameleons of Bioactivity. Proc. R. Soc. B. 362: 1235-1240.
30. Mike Manefield, Andrew Whiteley, Tom Curtis, Kazuya Watanabe (2007) The influence of sustainability and immigration in assembling bacterial populations of known size and function. Microbial Ecology. 69:340-4.
29. Mike Manefield, Diane McDougald, Scott Rice and Staffan Kjelleberg. (2006) Bacterial Communication: When does a metabolite become a signal. Microbiology Australia. 27: 115-117.
28. Kasai Y, Takahata Y, Manefield M, Watanabe K. (2006) RNA-Based Stable Isotope Probing and Isolation of Anaerobic Benzene-Degrading Bacteria from Gas-Contaminated Groundwater. Appl Environ Microbiol. 72: 3586-92.
27. Whiteley, A. S., Manefield, M., Lueders, T. (2006) Unlocking the ‘microbial black box’ using RNA-based stable isotope probing technologies. Current Opinion in Biotechnology. 17:67-71.
26. Mike Manefield, Robert I. Griffiths, Mary Beth Leigh, Ray Fisher, Andrew S. Whiteley (2005) Functional and compositional comparison of two activated sludge communities remediating coking effluent. Environmental Microbiology. 7: 715-22.
25. Whiteley, A. S. et al. (2005) Lessons from the genomes: Microbial ecology and genomics (Chapter 10, p241-260) in Molecular Microbial Ecology. Eds M. Osbourne & C. Smith. Routledge.
24 V. P. Mason, G. H. Markx, I. P. Thompson, J. S. Andrews, & M. Manefield. (2005) Colonial architecture affects bacterial intercellular signal accumulation. FEMS Microbiology Letters. 244: 121-127.
23. Mike Manefield, Robert I. Griffiths, Andrew S. Whiteley & Mark J. Bailey (2005) Chapter 23 - Stable Isotope Probing: A critique of its role in linking phylogeny and function, in Nucleic Acids and Proteins in Soil. Eds. Nannipieri & Smalla. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg.
22. Robert I. Griffiths, Mike Manefield, Andrew S. Whiteley & Mark J. Bailey (2004) Chapter 1.11 – DNA and RNA extraction from soil, in Molecular Microbial Ecology Manual. Eds. Kowalchuk, G. A., Brujin, F. J. d., Head, I. M., Akkermans, A. D. & J. D. v. Elsas. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg.
21. Andrew S. Whiteley, Mike Manefield, Mark Bailey, Jim Philp, Siouxsie Wiles, Malcolm Fisher, Paul Whitby (2004) The Microbiology of an ‘Undisclosed Vitox System in the north of England’. Proceedings of the Coke Oven Managers Association.
20. Manefield, M. et al. (2004) What can stable isotope probing do for bioremediation? International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation. 54: 163-166.
19. Robert I. Griffiths, Mike Manefield, Nick Ostle, Niall Mc Namara, Anthony G. O’Donnell, Mark J. Bailey, & Andrew S. Whiteley. (2004). 13CO2 Pulse labelling of plants in tandem with stable isotope probing: Methodological considerations for examining microbial function in the rhizosphere. Journal of Microbiological Methods. 58: 119-129.
18. Valle, A., Bailey, M. J., Whiteley, A. S., & M. Manefield (2004) N -acyl-L-homoserine lactones (AHLs) affect microbial community composition and function in activated sludge. Environmental Microbiology. 6: 424-433.
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